Contoh kaligrafi bismillah Ada 10 gambar
kaligrafi dengan lafadz Bismillah [
calligraphy of bismillah]. Aneka jenis warna, gambar bagus, artistik, dan bisa dijadikan sebagai wallpaper
Basmalah or Bismillah [
(Arabic: بسم الله) is an Arabic noun that is used as the collective name of the whole of the recurring Islamic phrase
b-ismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīmi. This phrase is recited before each sura except for the ninth sura; according to others it constitutes the first verse of 113 suras/chapters of the Qur'an, and is used in a number of contexts by Muslims. It is recited several times as part of Muslim daily prayers, and it is usually the first phrase in the preamble of the constitutions of Islamic countries. It also forms the start of many dedication inscriptions on gravestones, buildings and works of art, which go on to name the deceased or the donor.
And this Islamic calligraphy bismillah
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمbismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīmIn the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Callgraphy |
Arabic art with Bismillah font, big thumbnail and blue fresh color
Calligraphy of Bismillah |
Islamic Wallpaper |
Calligraphy of Bismillah, mid night background and finds hard present
Wallpaper of Bismillah |
Beautiful background with yellow gold color and mountain scene
Kaligrafi Bismillah |
Islamic calligraphy, colloquially known as Arabic calligraphy, is the artistic practice of handwriting, or calligraphy, and by extension, of bookmaking,[1] in the lands sharing a common Islamic cultural heritage. This art form is based on the Arabic script, which for a long time was used by all Muslims in their respective languages. They used it to represent God because they denied representing God with images.[2] Calligraphy is especially revered among Islamic arts since it was the primary means for the preservation of the Qur'an. Suspicion of figurative art as idolatrous led to calligraphy and abstract depictions becoming a major form of artistic expression in Islamic cultures, especially in religious contexts.[3] The work of calligraphers was collected and appreciated.
Bismillah Font |
Artistic calligraphy with
lake scene  |
bismillah Pics |
Dark edition with water sea background
Arabic Art |
Islamic art is so fresh and peaceful
Letter Bismillah |
One more wallapaper dark edition
Muslim Calligraphy |
kaligrafi, wallpaper, tulisan, gambar bismillah,islam, contoh kaligrafi indah lukisan bismillah.
islamic calligraphy, arabic, font,letters, gallery, fancy writing, writing, muslim calligraphy, arabic and slamic art, bismillah pics, bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim.
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